Co-teaching is a collaborative approach to instruction in which two teachers, typically a general education teacher and a special education teacher, work together to plan and then implement instruction for a class that includes students with disabilities.
This can benefit not only the students with disabilities, but all students who are having difficulty with or are misunderstanding an assignment. Co-teaching is the most common method of delivering specially designed instruction to students with disabilities in the least-restrictive environment.
Source: A Teacher’s Guide to Special Education, Bateman & Cline
CEC Professional Library
The Administrator’s Leadership Set
Building and Sustaining a Collaborative Educational Team: Teachers and Paraprofessionals
Rock out the Rubric: Self-Regulated Strategy Development to Revise Science Writing
Evidence-Based Reading Instruction for Secondary Students With Reading Difficulties Within Multitiered Systems of Support
CEC's Exceptional Teacher Resource Repository

No one does more exceptional work than educators - so why not take advantage of your peer network? This database of resources is for CEC members to find expert-reviewed resources created by peers that can be used in the classroom. Resources support various learners in all kinds of formats: videos, handouts, templates, instructional strategies, how-tos, etc. Everything is reviewed by subject matter experts to ensure resources are beneficial and maintain the integrity of the work of exceptional teachers. We also encourage members to share their own resources to contribute to the field and
Co-Teaching Practices that Improve Student Outcomes: The Six Approaches are Not Enough
Co-Teaching But Not Getting the Results You’d Hoped For?

Collaborating with Colleagues and Co-Teaching Like a Pro