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Information and Deadlines



Chapter/ Subdivision: Mini-grant Awards

  1. MISSISSIPPI CEC has budgeted $1,000 for each mini-grant award. There will be a total of five mini-grants available.
  2. The following priority areas have been designated: 1) transition; 2) behavior; 3) development and implementation of model programs; and 4) access to the curriculum.
  3. The proposal must address an identified need, a rationale, a description of the proposed project and a budget. To apply, you will be asked to provide the following information:
    1. Name
    2. Email (work)
    3. CEC member number
    4. Home address and phone number
    5. School address and phone number
    6. Proposal area
    7. Project proposal
    8. Estimated budget and if additional funds will be used
  4. A copy of the form for submitting a proposal is attached. Deadline for submitting proposals is September 20, 2024.  Written notice of approval or disapproval will be sent to the contact person upon review of the proposal. Winners will be announced at the fall conference.
  5. Grant proposals will be competitive. Therefore, close adherence to the format, written communication skills and the specifics of the proposal’s content will all be factors considered by the review committee.
  6. Grant proposals require permission from your Director of Special Education. Please be sure to double check with your DoSE regarding if this grant application requires your board of education approval prior to submission. 
  7. Grant awards remain with the school and district and are not awarded directly to the teacher that applies. For example, if you are a teacher in Madison County and then transfer to Forrest County during the summer, the grant monies and materials will remain with Madison County.
  8. Award recipients must agree to fulfill the following:
    1. Submit an article for the spring newsletter which summarizes and evaluates the mini-grant activity AND/OR
    2. Attend the Fall Conference with a report of activities funded by the mini-grant award.
    3. Award recipients must receive approval from a special education director.
    4. Award funds must be used for intended purpose only, no indirect costs are allowed.
    5. Recipients must provide proof of employment to receive funds.

All proposals should be submitted electronically through this link:


For any questions or concerns, feel free to contact MSCEC at [email protected] and to the attention of Michelle McClain, President.

Last Updated:  30 August, 2024

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